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  • Showing 6 - 10 of 43 matches.
  • Job title: Assistant Buyer

Sales Assistant - Cardiff

Location: Cardiff

Employer: Womenswear retailer

Salary: £12 per hour

Reference: EVL - 100500/8

This growing womenswear retailer is looking for sales assistants to support during their peak trade period. The support will be on the sales floor as well as in the stockroom. The successful candidate will be immediately available, reliable and willing to support wherever necessary. As a temp you will receive a competitive salary...

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Sales Assistant - Exeter

Location: Exeter

Employer: Womenswear retailer

Salary: £12 per hour

Reference: EVL - 100600/8

This growing womenswear retailer is looking for sales assistants to support during their peak trade period. The support will be on the sales floor as well as in the stockroom. The successful candidate will be immediately available, reliable and willing to support wherever necessary. As a temp you will receive a competitive salary...

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Sales Assistant - Manchester

Location: Manchester

Employer: Womenswear retailer

Salary: £12 per hour

Reference: EVL - 100700/8

This growing womenswear retailer is looking for sales assistants to support during their peak trade period. The support will be on the sales floor as well as in the stockroom. The successful candidate will be immediately available, reliable and willing to support wherever necessary. As a temp you will receive a competitive salary...

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Sales Assistant - Norwich

Location: Norwich

Employer: Womenswear retailer

Salary: £12 per hour

Reference: EVL - 100800/8

This growing womenswear retailer is looking for sales assistants to support during their peak trade period. The support will be on the sales floor as well as in the stockroom. The successful candidate will be immediately available, reliable and willing to support wherever necessary. As a temp you will receive a competitive salary...

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Sales Assistant - Nottingham

Location: Nottingham

Employer: Womenswear retailer

Salary: £12 per hour

Reference: EVL - 100900/8

This growing womenswear retailer is looking for sales assistants to support during their peak trade period. The support will be on the sales floor as well as in the stockroom. The successful candidate will be immediately available, reliable and willing to support wherever necessary. As a temp you will receive a competitive salary...

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